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  • 42B, Road Wordwide Country, USA
  • info@demoonshipping.com


We have a finger on the pulse of the trucking and transportation industries, and we have the expertise to negotiate competitive freight rates while maintaining your delivery schedule. Moreover, we provide excellent service and keep our customers well-informed. One of our reps is always on standby by email or phone to answer your questions or troubleshoot any problems that may arise.
We offer LTL, Full Truckload, Rail – Intermodal, Refrigerated LTL and Truckloads, and Expedited Shipping, among others. For a full list of services provided, please visit our services page.
Basically, any industry that needs to ship things!
Yes! Demoon Shipping offers pricing per pallet on certain lanes, so our customers will know the cost of their shipment to the lanes without going through the initial phone calls or emails every time.
Part of Demoon Shipping's special services is that we take the whole brunt of the claim on ourselves and immediately go into action, filing a claim with the shipper, following up on the status of the claim, and ensuring that the customer is reimbursed quickly and easily without any customer involvement.
Our Cargo Services engulf all the Continents in the world except the antarctica.